Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When in Charge... Take Charge

This week has been outstanding as far as training goes. No B.S. meetings to interfere with training, and no officers to do the same. No offense to any officers that read this. It's just that PT is for NCOs!!! Thank you for understanding :).

I have mangaged to stick to my two-a-days every day so far. Lord willing I can keep on. I haven't lost any weight, but I have lost two inches from my waist. This is what I consider WINNING.

Nutrition continues to be a struggle. I am doing awesome today though. Proper planning helps. Instead of coming to the office without eating breakfast, I went to the commissary and picked up my breakfast and lunch. Despite not coming in as early as usual, I have been super productive. I assume this is because I'm not going into anemic psychotic dangerous physco starvation mode.

Gym training yesterday was legs, today was arms. For unit PT we did sprint intervals yesterday, and muscle resistance today. I let an aspiring NCO conduct PT, so he could practice. He was slightly lost and kept asking me if we could do this or do that. I told him "I put your in charge. When in Charge, take Charge." He definately listened. We ended up deviating from our usual strength training to do relays. Not just any relays, but relays that involved tire flips, sand bag sprints and buddy carries. We are going to feel it in the morning! Next time we'll incorporate beating the tires with sledge hammers. Nothing burns calories like getting out your anger and agression.

We ended up getting extremely dirty, thanks to the ground being wet. Usually the ground being wet doesn't matter much, as Fort Bragg is covered in sand, but we seem to have found the only patch of actual mud within a fifty mile radius of the post. We did sit ups on said patch of mud. Another NCO in my unit filmed us. I hope I can get the footage.

Tomorrow won't be a two a day for me, unless I can get out of work early, as the ten mile team is going to meet at 6am, in order to run an undetermined distance. I decided against measuring the distance on the chosen route so as to avoid psyching myself out before the run. When complete, I'll drive the same route and use my odometer to measure the distance. I do know though, that it's the fartherest distance we've done up to this point. It should be interesting to do this run after the work out we did today. But if we can do it when we are sore and tired, it'll be easy to do the ten miler when we're experiencing zero pain and are well rested.

As I get closer to race day, I feel less and less nervous. I trust my training and my abilities. June 3rd will determine if that trust is well placed or not...

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