Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ten Miler Training... Slow is Smooth-Smooth is fast... for real this time

One of the ways I gage my progress and performance when I'm running is to try and keep someone who runs faster than me in my line of vision, then catch up to that person and eventually, pass that person up. Lately, I have been stalking following one of my ten miler team members, "M" always with the goal of passing her in mind. I FINALLY accomplised this yesterday. Granted, I was behind her for the better part of the run, but I passed her, AND "SFC" toward the end. SFC is even faster than M.

I should mention that we ran about a mile, on an unpaved trail, until we reached a nice, steep hill. Here, we did sprints, lunges, squats and backward runs up and down this hell hill. We took the short cut back to the unit when we finised. This goes to show that strength training compliments your run performance. I do a lot of lower body exercise, to ensure my legs are strong enough to keep running. The exercises tired their leg out, but not mine. Finally, slow really IS smooth, and smooth really IS fast. The more I run, the more I enjoy it. This is awesome, since running is one of the best ways for me to shape up.

My weight training is getting more intense.  can do more reps. Soon I'll be ready to increase what I'm lifting. I noticed that my back isn't a strong as is looks, and my abs don't look as strong as they are. I need to remedy this, so next week I'll be doing two back workouts each week and more cardio to trim some inches from my abs. In addition, I need to increase my arm workouts. I'm absolutely terrified of getting that under arm flab like Christina Applegate's character on The Sweetest Thing. There are no signs of it yet, and I want to keep it that way.

Several people have mentioned that I've lost weight. Surprisingly, I haven't. I still weigh... we'll just say I weigh the same. The difference is, the weight is muscle now. I love the changes I'm starting to see.

Despite the positive changes, proper nutrition continues to be the bane of my existence. I am improving my habits in this department, but I still struggle. I know exactly what I NEED to do. I just wish I wanted to do what I needed. If I start to eat more, smaller meals I think I can at least partially correct the problem. If I go too long between meals I turn into a savage. I get moody and cranky and I can focus only on finding food. When I do find substinence, it's usually not a low calorie option. I become quite primitive! Problem is, I get distracted by work, the internet, an animated conversation... etc. Next on my list is to figure out how to limit these distractions....

I am continuing to abstain from alcohol, and even considering not picking it back up. In light of my love for food, I figure quitting drinking will allow me to replace those calories with more food. But some food tastes SOOOOO good with beer or wine, and temptation is everywhere! I'm not making the decision to quit just yet! No one likes a quitter anyway!

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