Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ten Miler Training-Part V-Slow is smooth, Smooth is fast... in theory

I covered 6.6 miles today. I don't know how long it took, but it must have taken awhile, as the road they close for PT was open to traffic on my way back. 6.6 is close enough to 7 miles for me. I didn't walk, but I ran VERY slow at certain points on the run. I'm ok with this for now, as I'm not running to increase my speed at this time. Prior to the run I did a thorough upper body work out. I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I was rather pleased with how my arms looked while lifting though.

I was the second female to complete the run, and also beat two males. Good enough for government work. I didn't feel as though I'd exerted every ounce of my strength and energy.  Any time I feel as though I could have gone farther I'm both pleased and disappointed.  I'm pleased that I'm not so out of shape that I can cover that distance with minimal discomfort, but disappointed that I didn't push even harder.

I have come to realize that I need several items before this race can take place. The most important item right now is spandex. I cannot continue to run while my thighs continue to get aquainted with each other the entire time. This heat makes it especially uncomfortable for me lol.

People keep asking me how long it took me to complete a course. I never have a clue. My watch is my cell phone, which I don't carry with me while I run. So, next on my list is a watch, perhaps one that's also a pedometer.

Last, I need to get my iPOD working, or get a new one. I don't mind the silence, until I hit about five miles, then I start to feel lonely.

After the run, a beer and pedicure are in order!

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