Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ten Miler Training-Part IV-If it ain't raining it ain't training!

Today was an excellent day for training. Work and nutrition, not so much. I must get better at eating enough during the day so that I don't feel starved in the evening and eat everything in sight, while watching the Bad Girls Club.  As far as work goes, I just need to focus and not run off at the mouth.

I did a stability ball workout in the gym before going to unit PT. Instead of running, I had some fun doing strength training and relays in the mud. I have some minor discomfort in my thighs, but nothing serious enough to pause training.

Every so often, it's important to change up the routine, so it doesn't get boring and so you don't plateau. While this advise is as old as the day is long, it's relevant.  It's hard to come up with creative ideas sometimes to stay motivated, but if you read enough magazines such as Self and Shape, you'll be able to keep the routine varied enough to avoid the boredom. I have adapted kettle bell and stability ball routines from both of these magazines, and many others. Videos routines such as P90X are helpful as well. I want to try Insanity after the ten miler.

All in all, I'm making progress, both in my weight goals and in the ten miler. This is all I wanted from the beginning of this journey.

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