Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Fun Run. Hold the fun.

I like to deliver the bad news first, so that when I deliver the good news, my story will end on a high note. Let's get the bad news out of the way. Today is Monday, I was late, I was in trouble for someone else not being at formation (someone who outranks me), and I didn't get to do the PT I had planned on doing. The good news is,  I DID get to do my strength training prior to unit PT and I worked the hell out of my shoulders and chest. Any time I get to bring a muscle group to muscle failure, I consider it a good session. Additionally, I'm ready to increase the amount of weight I'm lifting. Progress is always good news.

So, I guess I should get used to the fact that Mondays will be reserved for Battery runs. Once again, my grandoise visions of a long distance run were shattered when the First Sergeant said "PT Instructor, POST." This command clearly wasn't aligned with my intent. The command I NEEDED was "Platoon Sergeants, take charge."  As the psuedo-platoon sergeant (the real seems to be perpetually "tasked out"), I would have had the freedom to run the Soldiers to the far ends of the Earth. Or at least the far end of Ardennes. From our unit, the end of Ardennes is exactly 3 miles, making a run there and back a solid 6. (I'm sure my Bragg audience knows what I'm talking about!) But, always the Soldier, I went along with First Sergeant's plans. (AS though I had another choice?) We ran a very slow, very short distance.

Although I could definately have gone further and faster, I was pleased at the fact that I wasn't sucking wind as soon as we hit a slight incline, which is what normally happens to me. Granted, the Battery usually breaks into an unreasonably paced sprint as soon as they hit a hill, and they didn't this time, but I'll take what I can get!

It may have helped that I was the pace setter, for a while at least. I could easily have called cadence on this one, but I opted out, because I was afraid that if I did start singing, the pace would pick up. My fears turned out to be unfounded, so, I'll be singing my heart out next time.

I know that it's wrong to take comfort in the struggles of others, but I must say I was extremely pleased that I didn't fall out of the formation, despite the fact that about six others did. I am by NO means speaking ill of the ones who fell out. I have been there before and know their frustrations. However, it was nice to not be there today.

What helped me to get from a hyperventilating, hysterical, delirious sub-human to a steady paced, even breathing, solid runner was nothing more than hard work, and determination. Please forgive me for the cliche, but some things become cliche simply because they are true, and this is one of them. I hope that others who may be struggling with their run, or any other physical challenge for that matter are willing and able to put in the work to achieve their goals.

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