Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ten Miler Training Part III-Halfway there

So far it has been a good week, training wise. I have made it to the gym prior to unit training both yesterday and today, and I haven't experiened any pain from running two days in a row. Some Soldiers have complained about it, but that just means they need to push themselves harder as far as I'm concerned.

One of my faster soldiers suggested  a route he believed was 3.2 miles. I took me a LONG time to complete that distance, but I never stopped to walk. After training I got in my truck and drove that route. Turns out, it was a 4.6 mile run.  I'm very pleased that I can run nearly five miles now with no stopping. I just have five more to go. I'm also pleased that several others have joined the team. The motivtion levels are steadily increasing.. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to squeeze in the seven miler I keep talking about.

The calender I created for my teammates at the beginning of this endeavor has fallen by the wayside. Now we just run whatever route I come up with the night before, or do strength training. This sees to be a good method, since I'm covering more distance now without the urge to pass out and never come to. I still need to pay attention to distance, though. I can't just keep running five miles then a month later try to run ten.

I am somewhat concerned that I am the only person on the team who has actually registered for this event. I keep picturing myself showing up alone, while they all sit at home, updating their facebook accounts with such statuses as "hahahaha, SGT Fontes is running ten miles alone. Dumbass."

I know some of my teammates will quit, out of necessity, but I'm hoping my image doesn't become a reality. I doubt that it will, but I over-analyze and over-imagine a lot of things lol.

One way or the other though, I'll be there!! In fact I'm looking forward to it...

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