Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ten Miler Training Part II- and other news...

,Wish me luck. The past two weeks have basically been useless as far as exercise is concerned. I did finally register for the run though, so now, when I crawl across the finish line, dehydrated, exhausted, delirious and searching for a medic at least I'll get a t-shirt. Due to other mission requirements, many of my team members haven't been training as faithfully either. However, the mission we've been focusing on is nearly complete, and there's only one four day weekend in the month of May. Feel free to view my blog from last night for insight into the blessing/curse of four days.

The problem?  I am now left with all of one month to train for this event. I am determined NOT to walk during the race. Yet I have to urge to walk at about mile 5.5 every time...

Never one to be discouraged, I figure I can get my iPOD working and wear it during the race to distract me from the pain and fatigue that I know are inevitable. Everything worth having requires blood, sweat and tears, so I'm mentally preparing myself to embrace the pain and fatigue.  Also, I'll get the remainder of the day off upon completion of the race, and my fiance, being the supportive man that he is, will be waiting at the finish line with a cooler filled with Yueng Ling. I am abstaining from alcohol until after the race.  It's not as hard as I thought, but I often wonder if my increase in food is to make up for the lack of drinking. This is a possibility I prefer not to examine too closely.

Training picks back up tomorrow. The plan is to cover seven miles. If I blog tomorrow night, it means I was not injured in my attempt.  Prior to the run a kettle bell and stability ball work out are in order. I wish I was as fast as I am strong... I guess carrying around a seven year old that can't walk naturally helps with strength training.

NOW... In other news....

I'm super proud of my fiance's girls, who competed in a statewide cheerleading competetion.  The youngest daughter's team placed fourth and the oldest placed first! I know any readers who come across this will think I'm biased, but they were the cutest competitors in the state.  However, I don't really have to be biased, as I didn't give birth to these ladies, but am blessed to have them in my life.

Unfortunately, the excitement was tainted by a lack of consideration for Americans with disabilities. After the competetion, I had no way to get down from the bleachers with my son and see the girls. I was ok with this on the grounds that their mother, father and grandmother could get down there, but had they actually been my children, or heaven forbid had any parent in the building was confined to a wheelchair, there wasn't any route to the gym floor that didn't have stairs.  Actually, there were ramps on two of the side entrances, but those were closed off, and only got you to the floor.  Once there, you can't get into the bleachers from the floor. Stand by for my letter to Congress regarding this issue.

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